Awards and Accomplishments
2018-2019 General
2017-2018 General
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
2016-2017 General
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
2015-2016 General
Symphonic Winds (Simon Bosch and Joey Qualls, Directors)
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
2014-2015 General
Symphonic Winds (Simon Bosch and Joey Qualls, Directors)
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
2013-14 General
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
2012-2013 General
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
2011-2012 General
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
2010-2011 General
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
2009-2010 General
Jazz Band (Chris Sebesta, Director)
Concert Band (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
Symphonic Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
- 27 students named to Region 30 All Region Bands
- 106 Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- 18 Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 5th Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
- Superior Rating at Director's Choice Music Festivals- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- "Best in Class"-Director's Choice Music Festivals- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- 8th place at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Superior ratings at Director's Choice Music Festival - UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center (111)
- "Best in Class"- Director's Choice Music Festival - UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- TMEA CCC Region 30 Honor Band Contest- 2nd Place
- TMEA CCC Area B Honor Band Contest - 2nd Place
- TMEA CCC State Honor Band Finalist- 1st Runner-Up
2017-2018 General
- 20 students named to Region 30 All Region Bands
- 77 Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- 14 Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contes
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 4th Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
- Superior Rating at Peak Music Festivals- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- Mark of Excellence/Citation of Excellence- "Winner" Class AA
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- 3rd Runner up at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center (111)
- "Outstanding MS Band of the Day"- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- Mark of Excellence/National Wind Band Honors- "National Winner" Class AA
2016-2017 General
- 42 students named to Region 30 All Region Bands (6 first chair students)
- 112 Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- 12 Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contes
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 2nd Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
- Superior Rating at Peak Music Festivals- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- Mark of Excellence/Citation of Excellence- "Winner" Class AA
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 30 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center (111)
- "Outstanding MS Band of the Day"- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- TMEA Area B CCC Honor Band Qualifyer
- Mark of Excellence/National Wind Band Honors- "National Winner" Class AA
2015-2016 General
- 48 students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (5 first chair students)
- 90 Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- 12 Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo Contest
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC- Sub NV 1st Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
Symphonic Winds (Simon Bosch and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 3rd Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
- Superior Rating at Peak Music Festivals- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- 2nd Runner up at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center (111)
- "Outstanding MS Band of the Day"- UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center
- Mark of Excellence/National Wind Band Honors- "National Winner" Class AA
2014-2015 General
- 50+ students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (5 first chair students)
- 80+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 10+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
Symphonic Winds (Simon Bosch and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 4th Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
Honor Winds (Joey Qualls and Simon Bosch, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- 2nd Runner up at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - Eisemann Center (111)
- TMEA Region 7 Honor Band (CCC)
- TMEA Area B Honor Band - 1st Place (CCC)
- TMEA State Honor Band Finalist - 8th Place Overall
- Mark of Excellence/National Wind Band Honors- "National Winner" Class AA
2013-14 General
- 50+ students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (10 first chair students)
- 80+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 10+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 1st Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Performed at the 67th Annual Midwest Convention in Chicago, Ill.
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- Best in Class at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Band of the Day at Beach within Reach Festival (Overall CCC)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - Allen Peforming Arts Center (111)
- Best in Class at at Peak Music Festival - Allen Performing Arts Center (CCC)
- Band of the Day at Peak Music Festival
2012-2013 General
- 68 students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (10 first chair students)
- 100+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 10+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD (111)
- Class CCC-NV 2nd Runner-Up at Beach within Reach Band Contest - Birdville ISD
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- Best in Class at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Band of the Day at Beach within Reach Festival (Overall CCC)
- Superior ratings at Peak Music Festival - Murchison Center (111)
- Best in Class at at Peak Music Festival - Murchison Center (CCC)
- Band of the Day at Peak Music Festival
- TMEA Region 7 Honor Band (CCC)
- TMEA Area B Honor Band - 1st Place (CCC)
- TMEA State Honor Band Finalist - 1st Runner-Up (Rankings 12236)
- Invited to perform at the 67th Annual Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in December 2013
2011-2012 General
- 53 students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (7 first chair students)
- 100+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 20+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
2010-2011 General
- 65 students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (7 first chair students)
- 100+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 20+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
Concert Band (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Superior rating in Sightreading at Region 7 UIL (111)
- Excellent rating in Concert at Region 7 UIL (122)
Symphonic Winds (Joey Qualls and Ryan Johnstone, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Lone Star Showcase of Music - Eisemann Center (111)
- Best in Class at Lone Star Showcase of Music (CCC-NV)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Joey Qualls, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Beach within Reach Festival - Birdville ISD (111)
- Best in Class at Beach within Reach Festival (CCC Invitational)
- Band of the Day at Beach within Reach Festival (Overall CCC)
- Superior ratings at Lone Star Showcase of Music - Eisemann Center (111)
- Best in Class at Lone Star Showcase of Music (CCC)
- Band of the Day at Lone Star Showcase of Music
- TMEA Region 7 Honor Band (CCC)
- TMEA Area B Honor Band - 1st Place (CCC)
- TMEA State Honor Band Finalist - 3rd Runner-Up (Rankings 12456)
2009-2010 General
- 78 students named to Region 7 All-Region Bands (13 first chair students)
- 80+ Superior solo ratings at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 25+ Outstanding Soloist Awards at the Aledo ISD Invitational Solo and Ensemble Contest
- 5 Superior Ratings at the Richardson ISD Ensemble Contest, including 3 Honor Ensemble Awards
Jazz Band (Chris Sebesta, Director)
- 3rd Place at the TCU Jazz Festival
- 1st Place at the UTA Jazz Festival
Concert Band (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Peak Festival in Argyle (111)
Symphonic Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Lone Star Showcase of Music - Eisemann Center (111)
Honor Winds (Ryan Johnstone and Chris Sebesta, Directors)
- Sweepstakes at Region 7 UIL (111, 111)
- Superior ratings at Lone Star Showcase of Music - Eisemann Center (111)
- Best in Class at Lone Star Showcase of Music (CCC)
- Band of the Day at Lone Star Showcase of Music
- National Wind Band Honors "Commended Winner" - Top 50% of all AA entrants